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Private Foundations

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The Southern Tier West Development Foundation is a tax-exempt charity created by and for the people and communities of Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua Counties.  We provide economies of scale that result in minimal management fees and maximum professionalism in giving and investing.

The Southern Tier West Development Foundation enables people with philanthropic interests to easily and effectively support the issues they care about.  Donors can establish a charitable fund with us by contributing a variety of assets and may also recommend grants, in their name if they choose, to communities and non-profit groups they want to support.

In work with your clients, you are ideally positioned to use the planned giving techniques described here to make a better region for us all.  This information provides the crucial, timely information you need to help clients' structure their charitable gifts to serve both the public good and their family's financial well-being.  If your client decides to use a planned gift to create an endowed charitable fund, please consider us.

A donor's contribution will never be depleted by excessive fees nor by the costs of seeking changes in outdated language.  The client needs not worry that several generations from now, we will let the gift wither away in neglect.  The Southern Tier West Development Foundation will still be here, ensuring that your client's generosity lives on.